Re: [wilhelmtux-discussion] Q. about Windows/Excel-specific EBG's Lohngleichheits-Test für Unternehmen (Logib)

Aaron Wittmann aaron at
Wed May 17 01:33:20 CEST 2006


i can send you a converted file in to *.ods of openoffice 2.0 if you  
like. But i'm not shure all the macros will work proper.



Am 16.05.2006 um 23:05 schrieb Claude Almansi (BW):

> Hi All,
> I learned of this "Lohngleichheits-Test für Unternehmen (Logib)"  
> <> through the  
> newsletter.
> Now in spite of that page saying: "Kostenloser Download Logib (Zip- 
> Datei) (Applikation für Windows / Microsoft Excel)", I thought,  
> what the heck, NeoOffice, which is a for-Mac version of OpenOffice  
> I'm using on this venerable (1999) but reliable iMac, opens Excel  
> files with Calc, so on the off chance "für Windows / Microsoft  
> Excel" was just a bad linguistic habit, I dowloaded the zip file  
> and unzipped it with Stuffit expander.
> So far so good. But when I try to open the "Applikation", i.e. what  
> looks like a normal spreadsheet called logib_Version_1.0.xls, with  
> NeoOffice, I get an error message saying that the file is password- 
> protected.
> <> was not exactly  
> enlightening - at least not to me. So here are a few questions:
> 1) Is the error message mentioning password-protection actually  
> about another problem? Say, something windows/excel-specific in  
> the .xls file?
> 2) If actually due to something windows/excel-specific: why on  
> earth, except to piss off non-windows/excel users?
> 3) Whether due to password-protection or to something windows/excel- 
> specific, would there be a simple work-around to make the  
> "Applikation" compatible with other OS's and spreadsheet programs?
> 4) If there is such a simple work-around, might it not be a good  
> idea to use it and produce compatible spreadsheets?
> 5) Whether or not there is such a work-around, should we not gently  
> tell the EBG ladies that excluding non-Windows/excell users is not  
> particularly clever or correct?
> Best
> Claude
> Claude Almansi
> PS Myriam: bravo pour l'article!
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