[wilhelmtux-discussion] Fwd: Texas Hearings On Open Source Bill

Mathias Gygax mg at trash.net
Son Mai 11 00:43:48 CEST 2003

[Time: 2003-05-10 18:45:57 / Author: timothy]
[Topic: 103 / Comments: 24 / Type: yro]

   May 10
   (3 recent)

                     Texas Hearings On Open Source Bill

                                                       [49]United States 

             Posted by [51]timothy on Saturday May 10, @02:45PM
                    from the think-big-think-open dept.
       [52]fusion812 writes "Senate Bill 1579 is proposed Texas state
   legislation that would require state agencies to consider 'open source
       software' when purchasing computer software. The bill has been
     introduced in the Senate, referred to committee, and is awaiting a
    schedule date for a hearing." Here's some [53]more information from
    EFF Austin; fusion812 supplies a summary of the bill's provisions as
     well as a Real Audio sample of the provided testimony, both below.
       Also, see this [54]report on NewsForge for some juicy quotes.

             A sample recording of testimony can be heard here:
                  More information: Texas Senate Bill 1579
    Senate Bill 1579 proposes that, for all new software acquisitions, a
                            state agency shall:
     1. consider acquiring open source software products in addition to
                       proprietary software products;
    2. except as provided by Subdivisions (4) and (5), acquire software
               products primarily on a value-for-money basis;
    3. provide justification whenever a proprietary software product is
                 acquired instead of open source software;
     4. avoid the acquisition of products that do not comply with open
              standards for interoperability or data storage;
        5. avoid the acquisition of products that are known to make
      unauthorized transfers of information to, or permit unauthorized
   control of or modification to the state government's computer systems
         by, parties outside the control of the state government."


  49. http://slashdot.org/search.pl?topic=103
  50. http://slashdot.org/search.pl?topic=99
  51. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/
  52. mailto:fusion812x at yahoo.com
  53. http://www.effaustin.org/2003_03_01_effa_arc.html
  54. http://newsforge.com/newsforge/03/05/10/138240.shtml?tid=4
  55. http://www.senate.state.tx.us/ram/archive/2003/may/050803StAffpm.ram