[wilhelmtux-discussion] Na bumsti: von Stallman gedisst (fwd)

Daniel Boos boos at trash.net
Mon Jun 17 16:42:11 CEST 2002

Zu eurer Info. Deshalb denke ich, dass wilhelmtux vorsichtig mit einer
annaehrung an die FSF sein sollte. Stallmann benimmt sich meiner Meinung
nach zu dogmatisch und das schadet der Sache mehr als es nuetzt.
Allenfalls waere halt zu kucken, inwiefern die FSF Europe sich von
Stallmann unterscheidet.

Daniel Boos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 18:32:20 +0200
From: q/depesche <depesche at quintessenz.org>
To: quintessenz-list at quizzebox.quintessenz.at
Subject: Na bumsti: von Stallman gedisst

q/depesche 2002-06-16T18:29:19

Na bumsti: von Stallman gedisst

So kann es gehen. Bei einem Mailwechsel in anderer Angelegenheit mit
Richard Stallman unvor/sichti/gerweise diese URL mit geschickt:


Ob wir denn nicht wüssten, dass "Free Software" und "Open Source" was
gänzlich grundverschiedenes ist und dass wir besser sowas Irreführendes
wie Linuxwochen lassen sollten & so weiter. Na bumsti - wurden wir gedisst,
wie weiter unten zu lesen ist.

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-

      From:	Erich M <me at quintessenz.at>	To:	rms at gnu.org
Subject:	Re: Endorsement of the 2nd stop1984-campaign	Date sent:
    Sun, 16 Jun 2002 01:08:00 +0200

On 15 Jun 2002 at 15:48, Richard Stallman wrote:

 Why participate in such a misleading event? The system is GNU, not >
Linux, and it was developed by the Free Software Movement.  By > describing
it as "Linux" and "Open Source", this "roadshow" is > misattributing our
work at two levels at once. > > We started developing the GNU operating
system in 1984.  Linus > Torvalds wrote his kernel, Linux in 1991.  At that
time, the GNU > system was almost finished, lacking only the kernel.  The
system some > people call "Linux" is really more GNU than Linux.  See >
http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html for more info.

Ahem yes, excuse me Richard, I am really sorry. May I assure you that close
to everbody from the many linuxwochen volunteers across Austria do know
about GPL and things and they hold it in highest esteem, both in practice
and in theory.

The point is: the supporters of the Linuxwochen range from the core Debian
crews over SuSes, Mandrakes and Red Hats and people who are condemned by
their job profiles to use windows software as well like miserable me. This
is a 8 million people country [more of a county], we just do not have that
many IT-intelligentsia volunteers over here to exclude anybody....

There is support from Austrian fsf-people also - under the auspices of
knowing that each of the numerous groups is too small to raise anything
professional alone. What they will say in their speeches is their thing, we
appreciate it ;)

What was just set up was a website to communicate to people who had barely
heard even of "Linux" before, to give them an idea what benefits *non
proprietary* software could do. We managed to raise a few bucks to pay for
a fine environment in Linz and Vienna, everything free for those who are
interested, no matter if they be business people or schoolboys.

If they bring machines they get installed what they want to: Free BSD or
anything else

> The biggest difficulty that the Free Software Movement faces nowadays >
is that our work is attributed to the Open Source Movement, so its > users
do not hear about us and our views.  Sad to say, this roadshow > is
contributing to the problem.  It would be better to cancel it. > > I can't
be certain, but judging from the rest of what you do, I would > expect that
your views are closer to the Free Software Movement.  Is > that correct?

Ahem yes, I can't exactly tell that. I have been working on the information
level most of my life doing jobs lately as [e.g.] Jon Katz and Declan
McCullagh did and working as a daily newspaper media critic before. So I am
not a good judge, I just feel sympathetic to anything that could endanger
an old fashioned habit of proprietary thinking like software patents that
hinder progress.

cu Erich

- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
 relayed by Harkank
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